Our objective with the 2011 Education workshop is to allow junior and senior educators to discuss, exchange ideas and propose recommendations to the community. The workshop will be organised as a set of panels and breakout sessions during which we will discuss about several important education issues including but not limited to :
- New ways to teach a first (undergraduate) networking course. Most networking textbooks nowadays focus on the TCP/IP protocol suite and Local Area Networks. Is it still the best approach ? Are there other ways to organise a first networking course ? How should wireless and security be included a first networking course ? What about sensor networks or public wireless data networks (3G, LTE, ...) ?
- Tools for networking courses. Some networking courses rely heavily on mathematical models and techniques, while others use simulation, emulation, network lab setups with “real: routers, switches and end systems; or prototype deployments in testbeds or on PlanetLab. What are the best practices to include such techniques in a networking course ?
- Graduate networking courses. Graduate networking courses are often organised around a set of papers that are read by students, discussed and sometimes presented during the course. Are there an emerging set of core principles that should be taught in a graduate networking course, e.g., as in done in first-year graduate-level courses in architecture, operating systems, or AI?
- Interdisciplinary networking courses. Networking has implications beyond the traditional EE and CS curricula. On one hand, networking students need to take into account legal, economic, social or environmental issues that affect networks. On the other hand, students in other fields need to learn more about networking. How should such interdisciplinary courses be organised. What are the best practices that work ?
The workshop solicits position papers on the above topics. All position papers are posted on the website and will be discussed by the community before the workshop to finalise the programme. The workshop programme will contain both panels and breakout sessions to foster discussions among educators and poster/demo sessions. A workshop report will be produced. The report will summarize the position papers received and the breakout sessions and panels. This report will be posted on the SIGCOMM education website and a summary will be submitted to SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review.
For additional information, refer to the or contact the workshop co-chairs.
Instructions for Authors
A position paper should be no longer than 6 pages in length including all figures, tables, references, appendices, etc., and must be posted on education.sigcomm.org as a PDF file of less than 10 MBytes. Authors are encouraged to provide links to additional material (e.g. slides, lab assignments, source code, …) in their position papers.
To submit a position paper for the workshop, you need to :
Important dates
- Position paper submission Friday March 11th, 2011 23:59:59 PDT
- Final workshop programme June 1st, 2010
- Workshop date Monday August 15th, 2011
Current list of position papers
The list
Please register !