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Welcome to SIGCOMM's collection of educational resources

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A network emulator for setting up and performing networking experiments...
(rater 100 stars yellow)
Seattle Testbed
The Seattle testbed allows students to easily do assignments that span thousands of real machines all around the Internet...
(rater 100 stars yellow)
NetTopo is an open source research-oriented simulator & visualizer designed to test and validate algorithms for wireless sensor networks...
(rater 0 stars yellow)
Internet Remote Emulation Experiment Laboratory
(rater 80 stars yellow)
Computer Networking - Principles, Protocols and Practice
Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice (aka CNP3) is an ongoing effort to develop an open-source networking textbook that could be used for an in-depth undergraduate or graduate networking courses...
(rater 100 stars yellow)
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Topic Last Posted By
Networking Labs for CN5E August 23, 2024, at 02:09 PM
Computer Networking - Principles, Protocols and Practice October 19, 2019, at 08:56 AM
Computer Networks and Internets March 29, 2017, at 07:40 PM med web
network programming Lab November 21, 2014, at 03:24 PM 314r
Seattle Testbed November 21, 2014, at 03:23 PM 314r
20120913001? January 04, 2013, at 03:35 PM obo
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach September 12, 2011, at 09:01 AM
An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking January 14, 2011, at 09:30 AM 314r
TELECOM Bretagne Network Classes November 12, 2010, at 09:25 AM


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(rater {{=$FullName}$:Rating1} stars yellow)

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Networking educators prepare lots of teaching material. Some of them spent countless hours to prepare detailed slides, collect reference papers or prepare labs or exercises. Most of this material is often only used within a single university. The objective of this website is to allow networking educators to easily and efficiently share links to educational resources. We strongly encourage you to register and contribute to the SIGCOMM education community. There are two ways to contribute to the SIGCOMM education community :

1. If you are a teacher or teaching assistant, you can post links to educational resources such as :

  • slides that you developed for an entire course or even slides that provide information about a specific protocol or technology
  • exercices that you have tuned over the years
  • lab experiments that have allowed students to better understand the practical implications of various networking concepts
  • bibliographies or pointers to tutorial papers
  • video or recordings of courses or seminars
  • ...

2. If you are a student, researcher, network professional or teacher, read the available educational resources, tag, rank and comment on them. The comments can be used both to provide suggestions about the posted educational resources but also as informal reviews. Furthermore, use the ranks to indicate the most interesting and most useful resources. See also the position papers for the SIGCOMM 2011 Education workshop

Latest news RSS latest news

Conext 2011 shadow TPC
Added by obo, at June 20, 2011, at 03:47 PM

In parallel with the CoNext 2011 conference, we organise a shadow TPC for recent PhD graduates.

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SIGCOMM Education workshop
Added by obo, at June 17, 2011, at 08:40 PM

The preliminary programme of the workshop is now online

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Networking textbooks
Added by obo, at August 25, 2010, at 10:31 PM

What are the advantages and drawbacks of the most popular networking textbooks ?

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Call for introductory teaching material
Added by obo, at June 11, 2010, at 07:15 AM

We solicit teaching material that is suitable for a first, undergraduate or graduate level, introductory networking course.

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May 2010 : Launch of the SIGCOM education website
Added by obo, at May 04, 2010, at 08:05 PM

We are proud to announce the launch of ACM's SIGCOMM educational resources website !

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Page last modified on August 12, 2011, at 08:23 PM